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Escape to London Bridge: 3rd May 2014

So I decided to escape to the sunny station of London Bridge. It wasn't until looked at National rail that I discovered that there were there were no Southern or FCC services. The only Southern services were Two per hour to and from Beckenham Junction, two per hour to and from West Croydon via Selhurst (perfect for me) and two per hour to and from Tattenham corner (also perfect for me as I was heading back to East Croydon). So the only services were Southeastern! Which was good as my spotting of 375, 376, 465 and 466s were really low. In the past (as I worked for them at one time) I had always put them on the back burner. How many of us overlook the local scene and go further afield? Well this time I decided to spend from 10:00 until 12:15 there.
Then I popped to the German Deli just behind Borough Market :)
Bold = Haulage, Red = Winner, All others are sightings.

2J16 09:25 West Croydon to London Bridge 455816 [SN]

London Bridge
2H26 10:00 London Charing Cross to Tunbridge Wells 465920, 465923 [SE]
2F23 09:33 Orpington to London Cannon Street 465001 [SE]
2K24 09:38 Hayes (Kent) to London Charing Cross 375627 [SE]
2M26 10:02 London Charing Cross to Dartford 465249, 465002 [SE]
2C25 09:38 Barnehurst to London Cannon Street 465010, 465043 [SE]
2E51 10:07 London Cannon Street to Barnehurst 465179 [SE]
2H72 09:21 Tunbridge Wells to London Charing Cross 375819, 375604 [SE]
2B31 09:31 Dartford to London Cannon Street 465163 [SE]
2E51 10:07 London Cannon Street to Barnehurst 465179 [SE]
2W24 07:50 Ramsgate and Canterbury West to London Charing Cross 465021, 465029 [SE]
2I25 10:10 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465168 [SE]
2S26 10:06 London Charing Cross to Sevenoaks 465020, 465185 [SE]
2L26 10:09 London Charing Cross to Gillingham (Kent) 465038, 465041 [SE]
2R26 10:10 London Charing Cross to Ramsgate and Canterbury West 375907, 375624 [SE]
2O27 10:17 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465246 [SE]
2B33 09:45 Slade Green to London Cannon Street 465037 [SE]
2D26 09:32 Gravesend to London Charing Cross 465182, 465018 [SE]
1H26 10:15 London Charing Cross to Hastings 375822, 621 [SE]
2S27 10:20 London Cannon Street to Orpington 376030 [SE]
2K25 09:50 Hayes (Kent) to London Cannon Street 465196 [SE]
2V26 10:17 London Charing Cross to Hayes (Kent) 376035 [SE]
1H72 08:50 Hastings to London Charing Cross 375606, 375705 [SE]
2M27 10:24 London Cannon Street to Slade Green 465001 [SE]
2C26 09:52 Dartford to London Charing Cross 465004, 465011 [SE]
2E53 10:27 London Cannon Street to Dartford 465043, 465010 [SE]
2I21 09:10 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465017 [SE]
2A26 09:24 Gillingham (Kent) to London Charing Cross 465027, 466010 [SE]
2V27 10:30 London Cannon Street to Hayes (Kent) 465163 [SE]
2F25 10:03 Orpington to London Cannon Street 376026 [SE]
2N26 10:26 London Charing Cross to Gravesend 466022, 465187 [SE]
2K26 10:08 Hayes (Kent) to London Charing Cross 465164, 465189 [SE]
2C27 10:08 Barnehurst to London Cannon Street 465007 [SE]
2H28 10:30 London Charing Cross to Tunbridge Wells 375608, 375627 [SE]
2H74 09:51 Tunbridge Wells to London Charing Cross 465931, 465031 [SE]
2M28 10:32 London Charing Cross to Dartford 465174, 465153 [SE]
2B35 10:01 Dartford to London Cannon Street 465152, 465250 [SE]
2E55 10:37 London Cannon Street to Barnehurst 465037 [SE]
2W26 08:40 Ramsgate to London Charing Cross 375807, 375630 [SE]
2O23 09:17 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465167 [SE]
2S28 10:36 London Charing Cross to Sevenoaks 465029, 465021 [SE]
2F26 10:06 Sevenoaks to London Charing Cross 465039, 465050 [SE]
2L28 10:39 London Charing Cross to Gillingham (Kent) 465018, 465182 [SE]
2R28 10:40 London Charing Cross to Ramsgate 375604, 375819 [SE]
2O23 09:17 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465003 [SE]
2D28 10:02 Gravesend to London Charing Cross 465036, 466036 [SE]
2O29 10:47 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465017 [SE]
1H28 10:45 London Charing Cross to Hastings 375705, 375606 [SE]
2K27 10:20 Hayes (Kent) to London Cannon Street 465167 [SE]
1H74 09:31 Hastings to London Charing Cross 375618, 375919 [SE]
2S29 1050 London Cannon Street to Orpington 376026 [SE]
2V28 10:47 London Charing Cross to Hayes (Kent) 465011, 465011 [SE]
2C28 1058 Dartford to London Charing Cross465176, 465028 [SE]
2M29 1058 London Cannon Street to Slade Green 465007 [SE]
2E57 1101 London Cannon Street to Dartford 465250, 465152 [SE]
2I23 1101 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 376022 [SE]
2N28 1104 London Charing Cross to Gravesend 466010, 465027 [SE]
2V29 1104 London Cannon Street to Hayes (Kent) 465167 [SE]
2F27 1104 Orpington to London Cannon Street 465019 [SE]
2A28 1105 Gillingham (Kent) to London Charing Cross 465035, 465014 [SE]
2H30 1109 London Charing Cross to Tunbridge Wells 466031, 465931 [SE]
2K28 1108 Hayes (Kent) to London Charing Cross 465151, 465023 [SE]
2M30 1110 London Charing Cross to Dartford 465189, 465164 [SE]
2C29 1109 Barnehurst to London Cannon Street 465031 [SE]
2E59 1111 London Cannon Street to Barnehurst 465003 [SE]
2B39 1111 Dartford to London Cannon Street 465241, 465173 [SE]
2H76 1111 Tunbridge Wells to London Charing Cross 465901, 465912 [SE]
2S30 1114 London Charing Cross to Sevenoaks 465050, 465039 [SE]
2I29 1114 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465197 [SE]
2W28 1114 Ramsgate & Canterbury West to London Charing Cross 375706, 375810 [SE]
2O25 1115 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465192 [SE]
2L30 1117 London Charing Cross to Gillingham (Kent) 466036, 465036 [SE]
2R30 1119 London Charing Cross to Ramsgate & Canterbury West 375630, 375807 [SE]
2F28 1119 Sevenoaks to London Charing Cross 465171, 465239 [SE]
2B41 1121 Slade Green to London Cannon Street 465156 [SE]
2O31 1121 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 3765022 [SE]
1H30 1123 London Charing Cross to Hastings 375919, 375618 [SE]
2D30 1122 Gravesend to London Charing Cross 465178, 466019 [SE]
2S31 1124 London Cannon Street to Orpington 465019 [SE]
2V30 1125 London Charing Cross to Hayes (Kent) 465028, 465176 [SE]
2K29 1124 Hayes (Kent) to London Cannon Street 465034 [SE]
1H76 1125 Hastings to London Charing Cross 375626, 375622 [SE]
2M31 1128 London Cannon Street to Slade Green 465031 [SE]
2C30 1128 Dartford to London Charing Cross 465237, 465193 [SE]
2I25 1131 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465168 [SE]
2E61 1131 London Cannon Street to Dartford 465173, 465241 [SE]
On Ballast Duty 66058 []
2N30 1134 London Charing Cross to Gravesend 465014, 466035 [SE]
2V31 1134 London Cannon Street to Hayes (Kent) 465192 [SE]
2A30 1135 Gillingham (Kent) to London Charing Cross 466012, 465047 [SE]
2F29 1134 Orpington to London Cannon Street 376030 [SE]
2K30 1138 Hayes (Kent) to London Charing Cross 375035 [SE]
2H32 1139 London Charing Cross to Tunbridge Wells 465912, 465901 [SE]
2M32 1140 London Charing Cross to Dartford 465023, 465151 [SE]
2C31 1139 Barnehurst to London Cannon Street 465179 [SE]
2H78 1141 Tunbridge Wells to London Charing Cross 465916, 465933 [SE]
2E63 1141 London Cannon Street to Barnehurst 465156 [SE]
2B43 1141 Dartford to London Cannon Street 465002, 465249 [SE]
2S32 1144 London Charing Cross to Sevenoaks 465239, 465171 [SE]
2W30 1144 Ramsgate to London Charing Cross 375715, 375610 [SE]
2I31 1144 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465034 [SE]
2O27 1145 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465246 [SE]
2F30 1149 Sevenoaks to London Charing Cross 465185, 465020 [SE]
2L32 1147 London Charing Cross to Gillingham (Kent) 466019, 465178 [SE]
2R32 1149 London Charing Cross to Ramsgate 375810, 375706 [SE]
2O33 1151 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465168 [SE]
2B45 1151 Slade Green to London Cannon Street 465001 [SE]
2D32 1152 Gravesend to London Charing Cross 465162, 466021 [SE]
2S33 1154 London Cannon Street to Orpington 376030 [SE]
2K31 1154 Hayes (Kent) to London Cannon Street 465163 [SE]
1H32 1153 London Charing Cross to Hastings 375622, 375626 [SE]
2V32 1155 London Charing Cross to Hayes (Kent) 465193, 465237 [SE]
1H78 1155 Hastings to London Charing Cross 375829, 375912 [SE]
2M33 1158 London Cannon Street to Slade Green 465179 [SE]
2C32 1158 Dartford to London Charing Cross 465010, 465043 [SE]
2I27 1201 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465026 [SE]
2E67 1201 London Cannon Street to Dartford 465249, 466002 [SE]
2A32 1205 Gillingham (Kent) to London Charing Cross 465242, 465018 [SE]
2N32 1204 London Charing Cross to Gravesend 465247, 466012 [SE]
2F31 1204 Orpington to London Cannon Street [SE]
2V33 1204 London Cannon Street to Hayes (Kent)465246 [SE]
5J97 1207½ London Cannon Street to Grove Park Up C.H.S.376001 [SE]
On Ballast Duty 66232 []
2K32 1208 Hayes (Kent) to London Charing Cross 465004, 465011 [SE]
2H34 1209 London Charing Cross to Tunbridge Wells 465933, 465916 [SE]
2M34 1210 London Charing Cross to Dartford 376035 [SE]
2H80 1211 Tunbridge Wells to London Charing Cross 465923, 465920 [SE]
2C33 1209 Barnehurst to London Cannon Street 465037 [SE]
2E69 1211 London Cannon Street to Barnehurst 465001 [SE]
2W32 1214 Ramsgate & Canterbury West to London Charing Cross 375614, 809 [SE]
2B47 1211 Dartford to London Cannon Street 465153, 465174 [SE]
2S34 1214 London Charing Cross to Sevenoaks 465020, 465185 [SE]
2I33 1214 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465163 [SE]
2O29 1215 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465017 [SE]
2L34 1217 London Charing Cross to Gillingham (Kent) 466021, 465162 [SE]
2F32 1219 Sevenoaks to London Charing Cross 465021, 465029 [SE]
2R34 1219 London Charing Cross to Ramsgate & Canterbury West 375610, 375715 [SE]
2B49 1221 Slade Green to London Cannon Street 465007 [SE]
2O35 1221 London Cannon Street to London Cannon Street 465196 [SE]
2D34 1222 Gravesend to London Charing Cross 465187, 466022 [SE]
1H34 1223 London Charing Cross to Hastings 375912, 375829 [SE]
2K33 1224 Hayes (Kent) to London Cannon Street 365167 [SE]
2H85 1255 London Bridge to Beckenham Junction 455843 [SN]
1P29 1306 London Bridge to Tattenham Corner 455840 [SN]

Site Update: 19th January 2025
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