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Bold = Haulage, Red = Winner, All others are sightings.
A little trip out after work. This time I had to try something a little new. I took the usual trip as far as Bromley South.
2B67 Selhurst to Victoria 377438, 377464 [9m 31ch] non winners
2M76 Victoria to Bromley Wouth 465028, 465049 [10m 71ch] both winners and cleared for 5 miles.
On a previous trip to Bromley South I realised on me that there were 700/0 units going through to Blackfriars. I know it takes time to sink in! I never had times so I worked out how to do it.
9Y38 Bromley South to Blackfriars 700047 [12m 31ch] winner and cleared for 10 miles
9S41 Blackriars to East Croydon 700121 non winner but cleared for 20 miles.
2J46 East Croydon to Selhurst 377614 [0m 77ch] non winner.