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This page is for me to request help for missing info on my Haulage over the years. It's not in any particular order but as and when I locate/discover things.
If you are able to help please email and tell me which query it relates to.
THANK YOU in advance.
Hopefully someone can assist with info.
In many cases I have used:
Rail Gen Archive.
The Bashing Years.
to try and find and either it isn't there or I missed it somehow.
(Any other resources I could try?)
Is there anywhere online that is free access that has HST workings with times and headodes like the Rail Gen Archive ?
Query 1
Sun 12th Feb 1989.
The missus and I travelled from Euston to Glasgow Central.
According to old note book it was 1S43 and 86204 was on the front.
Missing is the Time of departure from Euston (I do remember getting in to GLC and needing a hotel and the only one we could get was Gordons just outside LOL )
Anyone have the time of departure please?
Query 2
7th May 1989
Travelled from Paddington to Crewe.
On the front was according to notebook 47556.
Now I know some trains did to Paddington to places on the LM region but I cannot see anything on the Rail Gen Archive that could be that loco.
Sadly I have no headcode, time or even final destination for this one.
Anyone able to help?
Query 3
12th May 1989
1M83 0640 Poole - Manchester Piccadilly What time did it arrive/depart Reading?
I have a HST move from Paddington to Reading with no time or headcode.
What would have been the connecting train please?
Query 4
4th March 1986
I caught 1V02 from Abergavenny to Newport.
Can anyone help with the time from Abergavenny (I think it would have been about 09:00-10:00 and the Origin and destination of the train please.
Query 5
Having travelled from Abergavenny (See Query 4) I then caught a HST at Newport which I assume was from Cardiff Central. Anyone able to let me know the time and Headcode from Newport to Paddington please?
Query 6
3rd March 1986
I have travelled from Paddington to Newport departing Paddington about 11:00.
Anyone able to help with the actual time and headcode please?
Query 7
11th April 1987
1M58 Newcastle to Llandudno.
What time did it depart Chester?
Query 8
Query 9
Query 10
Query 11